• Our Rooms

    Our centre has four separate buildings consisting of - Yellow (0-2), Green (2-3), Red (3-4) and our new Early Learning Centre (4-5).

  • Our Rooms at Rouse Hill

    Yellow Room

    (0-2 years)


    We strive to create a loving, caring environment with a homely atmosphere for our little ones. The outdoor environment fosters the children's needs and interests. It encourages physical development and social interaction.


    Details of what to bring for the Yellow Room can be found in our enrolment handbook.

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    Red Room (3-4)

    The Red room children enjoy a large outdoor environment with a bike track and plenty of green turf to kick a ball, climb up the teepee or walk the bridge over the dry creek bed.


    The red room children participate in several group times throughout the day including a school readiness group which aims to support their fine motor skills in preparation for primary school.

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    Green Room

    (2-3 years)

    Our green room children have an emerging autonomy and independence which our educators help to foster and support.


    The Green Room has a lovely shaded playground complete with a new sandpit and bike track. Both the indoor and outdoor environments are planned to foster the children's needs and growing interests and also to challenge their physical development.

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    Early Learning Centre (4-5)

    The ELC consists of 4 rooms of 20 children with 2 qualified staff in each room.


    In our Early Learning Centre, our children are of preschool age and so we introduce a
    School Readiness Program throughout the year, to familiarise the children with processes, developing behaviours and skills that will optimise them for Primary School the following year.


    Specifically, the School Readiness / Transition to School Program refers to additional activities that are offered towards the end of the year to prepare children for a smooth transition to a Primary School environment.

    The outdoor environment includes a vegetable garden which helps to feed our preschool animals, chickens and guinea pigs. The children are encouraged to help feed and look after our preschool pets and to take home our fresh eggs and herbs for their breakfast.


    Some of the ways our program helps to prepare your child for school include;

    • Pre literacy skills
    • Pre numeracy skills
    • Social & emotional preparation
    • Communication skills
    • General working knowledge of the world
    • Stimulate interests in learning
    • Awareness of rules & limits
    • Self help skills
    • Fostering a foundation for everyday school life
    Some of the activities that we implement for the school transition include;
    • Being dropped off at the gate 
    • Children unpacking their own belongings
    • School Week
    • Lunch order week